Andrew M. Cook's  9/11/01 Journal Entry

Andrew M. Cook's 9/11/01 Journal Entry

Seventeen years ago our world forever changed. My brother who helped save my life always had a divine wisdom. Here are his thoughts and dreams straight out of his journal 17 years ago today. God Bless!

Today everything has changed. Surreal extremes awaken nightmares of the truth. Alas, reality in time, an infinity of importance in one hour. I awoke to a 7am alert. There was a call from our new roommates’ mother, something had happened to the World Trade Center. I went to the bathroom and emerged to see a TV story which resembled a building on fire. I was still reeling from jet lag, I went back to sleep, I dream sweet dream. Frustration but finally I find my girl. I awake again. This time to a whole new world. I really had lost the girl in my dream. My country of old would never again be the same. Her robe had been violently ripped off virgin body and her nakedness exposed to the world.

In an era in which I have never seen anything to resemble God speaking to man, today is quite different. The shield our generation has put up around us, to block us from reality has been shattered. I feel as though my soul has been knocked out. My opponent has taught me a lesson. A victor today I am not. Importance was the lesson plan.

What is important to you my son? The pearl of the world has had her sin catch up with her. If you orate too many enemies out there, eventually one gets you where t hurts. Shocked is the New York State of Mind. Eight hours of difference in time and maybe it is my plane the terrorists were on. Same flight type NY to SD arrive SD at 10:50 last night. If it’s 2PM today, maybe I’m a dead. Then I know a little more about true reality. Could I have done something? Would I have? Did those people killed deserve to die any more than I do? Or you?

With so many questions, I feel I already know the answers deep in my soul. It is all quite simple now. We have seen the message our generation never got from and it has confirmed our worst nightmares. The world we live in really does have that much wrong with it. And what now?

Where do we, whom have never had a shepherd, go for answers? Last night I think I felt it in the air. I look out the plane window as we flew over America and I marveled. How beautiful. Was this the promise land? Israel? The land of milk and honey? Oddly, last night I continually prayed for God’s forgiveness of my sins. Repeatedly I read Ezekiel. 100 pages from finishing the Bible I was. I read first the new testament. Good stuff. Then the old. Now 100 pages left (I always knew how many chapters and pages I had left visually). In this part, the prophet Ezekiel is telling Israel of the punishment she is going to get for her sins. Swift, decisive, undeniable. Is Armageddon near?

In a time when our idols today are so much a part of a life that has been created, that we don’t even know they are there? Are our egos so large we don’t even bother to seek truth or wisdom or God, are we that lazy? Was it really that comfortable? Well, its test taking time for Generation X. Is this the end? My Mormon friend called and told me he prayed last night for the first time in a while and awoke to live footage of a 747 flying into the World Trade Center. I don’t want to fight a war. I know that. I just want a great girl and a little more time. Taking for granted everything I have ever had. A statement among statements on the imprint of history. Hunt down those responsible? What if those responsible were ourselves?


Here is his original writings

Andrew M. Cook's 9/11/01 Journal Entry


Andrew M. Cook

My brother - Andrew M. Cook

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