Be a Largest Heart

Be a Largest Heart

A cause in your heart

All of us have something – a cause - that is really close to our hearts.

'No,' you might say. 'I don't have anything. I do have empathy with all that is going on in the world, but I don't have a 'cause.’

We challenge you to think about it again.

We believe God placed something into each of us – something that we can get passionate about.

  • It is that little twinge when you see a real small baby.
  • It’s that feeling when you drive by a homeless person on the street and feel sorry – for a moment.
  • It’s that fleeting wish that you would like to do something when you see disaster footage on the evening news.
  • It is the knowledge that you have – for admin, for crochet, for maths, for writing – that talent that God gave you that you can use to help someone else.

We challenge you to find your heart – and, to make it larger to make room for what God wants you to do.

Find your Largest Heart. Then, be a Largest Heart!

Here is a way

On the 7th of September 2019, we challenge you to be part of our Charity 5k fun run.

All the proceeds of the run are going to the cause of helping someone in need. We want to give 'scholarship funds’ to help a young person get out of addiction, mental illness, depression, or a hopeless situation. In effect, we want to challenge them to find their heart and to make something of their lives.

Our challenge to you is to come to find your Largest Heart.

  • Take part in the fun run for abandoned babies.
  • Do it for that homeless woman you see every day on your way to work.
  • See yourself helping with a clean-up after a big storm with every step you take while running.
  • See yourself volunteering to help unprivileged kids with their homework.
  • If none of this works for you, then run for that youth in a desperate spiral of hopelessness. Run for one of them.

See it, in your mind, while you are running. Get off the couch and run for your cause. Tell people about it.

What is it that makes your heart beats faster?

There is something. You just must find it. God meant to make your life richer. He wants you to find that passion, use the talent He gave you and see it multiply in the lives of others.

Join us on Saturday, the 7th of September at 8 am. We'll be at the Chapin Station on the West Orange Trail in Winter Garden, Florida.

Welcome, Jill!

We're thrilled to have partnered with Jill Haire, a private licensed mental health counselor of 13 years. We know this partnership will have a direct impact on lives, here in Orlando.

Jill has been there herself. She is a recovered addict (sober for 22 years now) and has committed her life to helping others to overcome addiction, depression, mental illness or grief. Jill is also a hospice grief counsellor and author.

See you on Saturday!

Come and meet join us at 8AM Saturday September 7th at Chapin Station on the West Orange Trail in Winter Garden. We'll be running for some incredible people that need some hope and love. Please join us – sign up here:

Largest Heart is a 501c3 non-profit organization
Charity Navigator Platinum
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