How to spread joy this Christmas

How to spread joy this Christmas

Photo by Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash


What a year! It seems as if we’ve spent 2020 fighting all the way. We engaged in a trade war with China; we battled a weird virus, and then we fought opinions on which lives matter.
It all came to a head with the ultimate civil skirmish in our polling stations, voting booths, and mail ballots.
But now, at last, it is Christmas. Let’s use the time this year to re-boot and re-discover the true meaning of love and life.
Five ways to spread joy this Christmas

Why not contact someone that you’ve avoided or did not see in a while? Perhaps you were close once, but you’ve drifted apart. It could be a sibling, a cousin, a friend, or a parent in another state.
Phoning someone out of the blue for a chat seems trivial, yet it can profoundly affect their mood and well-being. If it’s someone you’ve wronged, start the conversation with an apology and then move along swiftly by asking them about their life and their crazy year. Put at least an hour aside for the talk, don’t be disappointed if they cut it short after 5 minutes. At least you’ve done your part.
If you decide to visit someone in person, it’s always an option to break the ice by claiming you did it by accident. You were 'just in the neighborhood' or 'happened to be passing' when you decided to drop in. You’ll be surprised how easy it could be.
Why not claim back a special relationship for 2021?

2.Give something away
Most of us own valuable things that we don’t use, but others need it. Yet, we hang on to them for all sorts of silly reasons.
Let it go and bless someone with it! Even if they seem ungrateful and question your motives, don’t worry about it because you ultimately did it for yourself! You let go, didn’t you?

3.Be a videographer
Christmas cards are nice
Not fantastic or spectacular or super, just nice. Instead of sending cards, why not make a video this year?
'Hello, Gran!'
Dedicate a video to Granny or your brother that lives in Australia. Have the whole lot of you dress up and shoot a 5-minute movie on your cell phone or tablet.
Act out a funny event you remember doing with them in the past or dress up in their favorite sports team or character. Make it personal to show that you appreciate them.
There are so many platforms to share content on these days that it should be no problem to create, edit, and deliver the message (Do it on Whatssup, Tik-Tok, or YouTube).
It is entirely possible to gather everyone together and shoot five videos for five family members in a morning. It just needs some pre-planning.
Here’s a tip: For funny and meaningful movie ideas, Google it!

4.Support a small business
It’s been a tough year for many businesses. Why not get a few friends together and support a single small business all at once? See it as a type of 'crowd-funding.'
If you decide to support a local eatery or spa, warn them to prepare for your arrival.
It won’t cost you much, but the combined cash injection of many patrons at once might just pull the business out of a hole and ease the burden that 2020 invoked on them. The business owner will be most grateful, and you’ve probably made a friend for life!

5.Do something completely unexpected.
Be crazy
It can be something pleasant like taking your spouse to the ballet for the first time or something wild, like renting a Ferrari for the day.
You can order and eat frogs’ legs at the local diner or dress up as Goofy at the end-of-year function, as long as it bowls your family or friends over.
It is a strange phenomenon, but random crazy acts spread joy to the people around you.
At the very least, you’ll give them a good laugh, which is indeed a rare commodity in these trying times!

The year 2020 is almost over. Make sure your final act is memorable, meaningful, and a little bit mad so that you have a fighting chance in 2021!

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