Quick! Name a charity that focusses on addiction?
We are willing to bet that most of you immediately thought of the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) or the NA (Narcotic Anonymous). But, did you know that although these organizations are non-profits, they support themselves? The man on the street cannot donate to the AA or the NA.
In this blog, we focus on three non-profits that do accept donations for their drug- and alcohol abuse programs. Why not give this Christmas to an addiction non-profit that speaks to you?
We only touch on a few here, but a simple Internet search will put you in touch with more non-profits, even in your area.
- Partnership for Drug-free Kids
Previously ‘Partnership for Drug-free America’
This non-profit recently changed its name to focus exclusively on American teenagers. They call themselves the 'go-to' organization for families, and they address every aspect of addiction, from prevention to rescue.
They try to empower families, but also to educate and provide affordability of care to everyone.
The Partnership for Drug-free Kids wants to extinguish misconceptions and invest in resources so that no child falls through the cracks.
Read more about what they do here: https://drugfree.org/article/what-we-do/
- Natural High
Fresh air and oxygen to the brain
There are synthetic highs, and then there are natural highs!
Natural High is a charity that believes that outdoor- and other activities can uplift, inspire, and motivate teens and prevent them from turning to drugs or alcohol.
The non-profit share the resources what they have for free and encourage the use of it in communities.
If middle-schoolers are encouraged NOT to use drugs but instead turn to fun activities, they are up to fourteen times less likely to ever become addicted.
The charity uses mentors who are not afraid to share their stories so that children can look up to them.
Natural High’s website is here: https://naturalhigh.org/about/
- The Herren Project
A light in the darkness
Chris Herren was an NBA basketball player. He was also an Oxycontin addict. He got sober in 2008.
He started the Herren Project in 2011 to help others navigate this dangerous path. Ever since, thousands have been supported all over the United States.
The Herren project funds drug treatment, runs an education project in schools, and supports families.
And then, there’s Largest Heart.
By now, you know our mission: We want to spread love, hope, and knowledge. We all know the BIG NAME non-profits who gobble up huge chunks of your donation to cover salaries and overhead and seem to have the same to be on an endless cycle of rinse and repeat.
Make your dollar count this holiday giving season and give to a non-profit who operates with minimal overhead or operating costs and utilizes every cent to reach those who need it most. The list above is just the tip as there are countless great non-profits doing incredible work that we’ve not mentioned, these are just a few that we really like.
This blog hopes to do a small part in making you aware of non-profits that can help you on your journey. Why not donate to one of them? Each does a fantastic job and there are countless others. Before you give this year make sure your impact is making an impact. Watchdog organizations like https://www.charitynavigator.org are great resources to check to see how much of each dollar goes to the cause. It can be shocking to see how much overhead and expenses some of this “nonprofits” have. At Largest Heart, we keep it simple as 100% of every dollar goes to help those struggling with addiction and suicide. As our Founder, Peter Cook always says, “its about making a difference and helping kids get the tools they need to survive”.
This holiday we’re kicking off “All I want for Christmas is Rehab” campaign where we’ll be sending one deserving youth suffering with this disease to receive the lifesaving treatment they desperately need. The pain and suffering that addiction brings is immense. Largest Heart is a non-profit that supports those in need as well as other great non-profits do amazing work.
Please help and give this Holiday Season to an addiction, mental health and suicide non-profit in your community. This year and let’s save some lives together!
Be A Largest Heart this Holiday!!